Page 208 - waterlillies, I think they look so beautiful floating on water, rather regal! This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago when dh and I went to a park nearby. I can remember in the 1960's when the council landscaped this area of the park with a brick edged pond, fountains, paving, seats etc. And there were very large goldfish in there. Over the years it has been left uncared for, but now they seem to have done some work there, though the water is so dark and dirty it is a wonder any fish survive, but we glimpsed some. The waterlillies seem to be flourishing though!
Another memory of this park, though I won't go in to details, is where I went with my first boyfriend, sitting by the pond eating ice cream!
beautiful photograph
Lovely photo, I am still looking for my photo!! may have to go to an aquatic garden centre soon!!
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