Friday, 2 May 2008

Page 123 - A good play on words today! We all remember the pleasant times rather than the bad, but do we enjoy them at the time? Most people do not dwell on the past or the bad times, but memories are usually of pleasant times! These do not have to be major events, but all the little things that happen from day to day! Just looking at flowers, hearing the birds, seeing the sun or rain, visiting family or friends, an unexpected phone call, all pleasant! Maybe "pleasant" depends on how we view the world?


Mary B said...

Good journaling Kath and such true words, we don't always appreciate the pleasant at the time.

willowthewysp said...

Brilliant and apt journalling:)

Shirley said...

Great jouranalling Kath and love your LO.

Minty Magic said...

Love the layout. That little clock is really cool!

Lynne said...

Well said!
love the papers you have used, we get the same kits!!