Monday, 28 April 2008

You have to leave the city of your comfort
and go into the wilderness of your intuition.
What you'll discover will be wonderful.
What you'll discover is yourself!
Alan Alda - actor and producer.

Page 119 - today Anna asked us to find our own quote to reflect how we feel after so many days of taking our own photos! This quote says it all! Well, I have never taken pics of myself before, or been over keen on having my pic taken by others, but I have survived it all! Today's photo was taken by dh over the last weekend! With this challenge I feel I have grown as a person, and hopefully my photography has improved too! I have thought about and looked at all sorts of things from different angles, explored my feelings about subjects and best of all made new friends on the 365 thread on UKS. I am really happy I took on this challenge and fully intend to see it through! I am discovering myself!


willowthewysp said...

I am loving using my camera more and hope also that i am improving a little!!(although now, i would like a *better* camera!!!)

Shirley said...

Fantastic quote Kath and love your LO. Your DH did a good job with the photo too.
I love my camera and really enjoy getting it out and using it every day, great to be able to share this experience with such a lovely group of people:)

Mary B said...

Very well journalled today and I like the quote you have chosen seem just right for you.

Curly said...

Very well journalled again Kath, I'm loving exploring me too.