Thursday 24 April 2008

Page 115 - Today's quote about not giving up trying to do what you really want to do! How easy it would be sometimes to just give up, with so many pressures in life these days! Who says it gets easier as you get older? We all need love and inspiration to help us! I know many times I have been given that extra bit of love or inspiration to spur me on, and been grateful for it! It may come from family, friends or just an odd comment or act that I hear or see. So many people out there doing things against the odds can inspire and make my trials seem trivial in comparison. I might not want to climb Mount Everest or swim the Channel, but there are things I still want to do and see, and with that love and inspiration I will strive to do what I really want!


Mary B said...

Very Well put Kath, there are times when it does seem easier to give up but in the end you pick up the pieces and carry on.

Shirley said...

Kath your journalling always strikes the right note. I hope you manage to achieve all those things you would like to do.

Curly said...

Oh you have the power of positive thought in harness, brilliant I need a dose of that today, thanks.

Lynne said...

You certainly have a way with words and know how to say very often what i think! Is it our ages? I try not to read your journalling until I have journalled these days.