Sunday, 6 April 2008

Page 97 - I would rather have eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hear, lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love! That is today's quote! My heart, one of my vital organs, I cannot live without it. But do I need it to feel love? Why is the heart associated with love? If I couldn't see, hear or speak, I would still feel love, we do not know exactly what it is but know it when it comes along. Love in degrees? Love for family and friends. Love for animals. Love for the world. We give love and receive it back. Love yourself to be loved! Do we use the word love too freely, sometimes I think so! Love is time spent with someone, not spending money on them! We all need love! I cannot imagine not being able to love and be loved!


Lynne said...

Kath we can never love others too much! Sometimes agape love is difficult, well I think so though I strive hard to try to love everyone whether I know and like them or not!
I see you have used the paper I don't know what to do with!! it came in my BG pack!!

Barbara said...

Think we do use the word love too much nowadays. It does seem to have taken a new meaning. Perhaps we need a new word to express the word "love" as we used to know it.

Mary B said...

that is such a lovely way of putting it thank you.

willowthewysp said...

There is a lot of thought in your journalling today:)