Monday, 21 April 2008

Page 112 - PRUDENCE. One word jumped out at me from the definition, discipline! I am a great believer in discipline and think children have to learn discipline to be able to learn self discipline, a virtue which seems to be much lacking in some areas of our society! But I won't get on my soap box about that! I believe I have self discipline in my life, but it may wobble at times! Most times I do weigh up the pros and cons of situations to see the likely outcome rather than charging in head first! So yes, I think I am prudent!


Mary B said...

Well said Kath

Shirley said...

Definately agree regarding self discipline and the young.
Love the LO and the colours you have used today :)

willowthewysp said...

Again, very true journalling,,i find myself in agreement with you on a lot of things:)