Monday, 14 April 2008

Page 105 - SLOTH, yet another sin I have been guilty of! As a teenager, definitely, when working, not much chance, when children came along, definitely no chance! Now my time is my own I do not lie in bed in the morning, but I do put off doing chores if I can, so that must make me guilty! I would rather be indulging in my hobbies or walking the dog than do those jobs, but they do eventually get done!

I have known some people who would do anything rather than work! But as my dad always used to say, "hard work never killed anyone!" These days I am not too sure about that when I see some people who work long hours and suffer physical and mental effects. Maybe a little bit of sloth isn't so bad occasionally!


Minty Magic said...

I agree with the last line completely - but chance would be a fine thing!!!

Lynne said...

Me too I am such a sloth these days :) and enjoy being one too but
like you Kath I wasn't like that whilst a mum and during my working life so maybe it's OK now :)
Great journalling!

Mary B said...

We have earnt our time of taking things easy, having worked hard as a mother and going out to do a paid job as well. So go on enjoy your 'slothfulness' but call it retirement instead lol

willowthewysp said...

I agree with deserve to be a little slothful now. You have worked hard, and now your time is yours, so enjoy it:)

Shirley said...

Love the way you hve done your LO with the X and agree that now we are retired time is our own so more slothful moments are allowed :)

Barbara said...

Love your picture today. Very clever with the big cross over it.