Thursday, 23 October 2008

Page 297 - another good old saying we don't hear that often today! I must admit to liking good quality, whether in clothes or other stuff, it may cost more, and I have to save harder for it, but it does last better! Though having said that I'm not sure that is so true these days! I don't go for the expensive just because of the price, just for the quality! I have had some inexpensive bargains! The only downside when things last longer is you get bored with them but they are too good to throw away!

Literally talking knees, they are the one part of my body that is wearing out fast and causing problems!


Mary B said...

Sorry your knees are causing you problems.

Barbara said...

Love it . Great bees.

Shirley said...

Lovely fun LO Kathy and so sorry you have a problem with your knees.
Mind you loosing those extra pounds must be helping them.