Page 283 - a cup of tea, so typically British! And a cup of hot sweet tea for shock, not always the right thing to do!
There was a time I drank a lot of tea, and my children learnt how to make tea at a fairly young age, and became very good at it! I don't really know why I went off tea, but nowadays I mainly drink hot water with a slice of lemon, though still enjoy the occassional cuppa!
Every one likes their tea different, some strong, some weak, some milky, some sweet, but a lot of people certainly still need their cuppa at various times of the day to keep them going!
Lovely vibrant lo Kath. We are typically British liking our cup of tea!! Isnt it funny how when we go on holiday, we cant wait to come home to get a decent cup of tea!
Nice photo Kath and yes I am one of those who need a cuppa to keep me going.
Love the photo. There is no way I could live without my tea!!!
Great photo and I LOVE your cup :D
Love the mug Kath
What a lovely bright LO. I am still amazed you have managed a LO every day
Love the way the PP matches your mug Kathy.
Great LO
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