Thursday, 27 March 2008

Page 87 - Habits, well how honest am I? I know I have lots of habits, good and bad, some must be annoying to other people. Some I know I should break, like smoking, but it is easier said than done, though I do have a plan! We all learn our habits so should be able to unlearn them!

Week 12 lo - world of colour! We cannot imagine what it would be like without colour! Different colours have different effects on us, and we all have a favourite colour!


Barbara said...

Don't think buying cookery books is so bad Kath. Think how many more you could buy if you gave up the weed. LOL

Love the LO and how you have used the colour charts. Love what you have done with the photo as well

Shirley said...

I agree Kath, but is it is difficult to break THE HABIT. I did over 35 years ago but can remember to this day how difficult IT was.
Love the LO and what a great idea to use the colour wheel for your rainbow :)

Mary B said...

That is such a gorgeous LO for world of colour love it. and you managed to do a rainbow you too.

I like how you have blogged for today too. well done.

willowthewysp said...

I adore your layout with the gorgeous colourful photo on it...stunning!
I tend to buy cookerey books and never use them!!!

Curly said...

Wow what a beautiful LO.